i came around the corner to find a huge Robert Smithson installation that literally made me gasp (maybe even a little yelp, as a witness will attest to) and make me feel pretty weak in the legs— a shiver ran over me. one of the other students started singing "hallelujah". a nice moment of convergence.
i layed on the floor for the Michael Heizer, crawled inside a Franz Erhard Walther piece with 5 others and attempted to not get too art-ed out by Smithson, Agnes Martin, Louise Bourgeois, Fred Sandback, Sol Lewitt, Judd, Ryman, Serra (him and his massive objects). if there was anything close to a temple being constructed to worship contemporary art, i think this must be it.

Then, off to Starn Studio. These twin brothers built this enormous, changing bamboo structure plus one that went on the rooftop of the Met and another in Venice for the Biennale. listening to these guys talk was like listening to one person who took requisite pauses for breath. if you closed your eyes, you wouldn't know there was 2 people there. we perched ourselves on their "living room" and tried to not fidget too much. and then i lost my lens cap.
and for all the fans out there, here's another photo of me looking either dissatisfied, angry, confused, hungry or constipated. outside, in the garden designed by Robert Irwin.
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