Today, i'm going to start filming for the video project i have planned where i'm floating the knot masses down a creek. i've already filmed little bits and pieces, like the whirlpools of the water given the heavy undercurrent, and numerous trial runs, but hopefully this time i won't get caught in another storm like above. Yesterday, as i walked the 10 or 15 minutes down to the area i wanted to film at and do a few tests with the knot masses and whether they'd sink, i checked out the sky on my way and saw a lot of cumulus clouds building, but along the perimeter. Nothing too dark or ominous. It was mid-afternoon and maybe my Phoenix mentality of storms only striking in the evening was dominating my logic. I was focusing on filming the water, throwing things in, pulling them back out, tying thread here and there, tying branches to the knots, etc etc, when a cold gust of wind hit me (it HAD been in the mid-80s and really still and humid). I look up and there is a sky about as dark as the one you see above hovering over me. I think i actually can hear me on the video saying "oh shit". Then proceeds me running like a freak down the side of Wisconsin highway 23, my camera bag jostling around at my side. I had already gone for a run that same way earlier in the morning and wasn't really up for another one. By the time i finally reached Taliesin and had a whole tour group staring at me, the storm apparently just skirted us and no rain fell. I felt after all of that, it should have rained but oh well, that's the temperament of weather.
Today looks much better—sunny and clear, and i even have an assistant. I've dropped the books for the time being and i'm just heavy into the making. There just never seems to be enough time. It's amazing how that becomes relative given how much time you have. I wish it was always this way.
1 comment:
wow! that place is so LUSH!
as i read your story, i thought you were going to say you video taped the storm and got great footage of water hitting water.
come to think of it, that probably woundnt be such a great thing for your equipment, eh?
thanks for your recent updates to the blog, i'm enjoying your writing very much.
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