and now for a slight diversion...
Last night i had a dream about Shaft. In the dream i was actually watching the movie, Shaft, and mentioned how i'd seen it before. Then i started watching it but realized that when i'd seen it before, i had never really paid attention to it and therefore didn't really know what it was about. Without getting into too much graphic detail, it turns out that Shaft is gay, or at least bisexual, and he seems to be very conflicted about this. He knows it's his true nature and is really a very sensitive guy but isn't sure how to reveal it. The entire movie (in my dream) takes place inside an apartment that is almost entirely white—white furniture, walls, linens...i think even Shaft, himself, is wearing white. Quite innocent. I feel for Shaft, but i don't know what to tell him that will help his situation (yes, at this point, i'm in the movie). He seems very somber and quiet. I woke up with some funky soul music in my head that was playing in the dream but can't remember what it is now (NOT the Shaft theme).
what does that mean?
"They got Shaft...
up to here."
would that have to be
love your dream... what could THAT mean?
i really have no clue what that statement means...maybe it made sense in the 70s.
i also have no idea what the dream means to me...especially since i've had no media input except for NPR for almost 2 weeks.
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